weekend before last I was slounging on the couch, reading the Sunday NYT (as is my wont) and I remarked to my long-suffering husband that someday, somehow, I was going to go to the Metropolitan museum of Art’s costume Institute Gala. (Not so much because I want to hang out with Those People, but because I want an excuse to make a really fantastic dress, and a place to wear it.)
“Why wait?” said Long-Suffering Husband. “Why don’t you start with a fashion show here, like Columbia College’s?”
So I did. (I didn’t make a new dress, as I figured the Darth Duro would suffice.)
I had a incredible time — the clothes were really excellent, and at the reception I stalked some of the designers whose stuff I had particularly admired, forced my blog card upon them, and asked them to send me pics of their work to show you.
My stalking paid off; one of the designers, Elena Deida, sent me this dress of hers. This dress was one I especially admired, although this picture is a bit arty, which obscures the best details. The print panel on the front is comic-book art (excellent!) and the side seams are heavy red zippers (also excellent). It is a nicely tailored sheath, as well; I’m scared to say that I tend to be much more amazed by good tailoring work in student fashion than by avant-gardeness of ideas. (The best, of course, is when forward-thinking ideas meet great structure.)
So, possibly it wasn’t the costume Institute Gala, but then again, it’s not like Poiret would have sent me .jpgs after (being dead, and unable to use a computer and all). I’ll certainly be heading back next year — you ought to too, or find the student fashion show in your neck of the woods!
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