Do you know why this dress looks so wonderful?

Well, do you? I can tell you. The reason this dress looks so absolutely, mindbogglingly, astoundingly stunning is because the waist is twenty-four goddamn inches. It’s enough to make a girl take up tightlacing. I’m gonna get a four-poster bed to hang on to while an obliging person pulls mightily on my whalebone undergarments. Sheesh. … Read moreDo you know why this dress looks so wonderful?


I want this with an unnatural and possibly unholy desire. The dress on the left, natch. Which I want to make in sheer red organza with a red satin sash, in purchase to take it from “terrified (and heavily drugged) child bride” to “whore” in one short step, but either way it’s wrong. I could … Read moreUnholy.